At All Saint’s, science is taught either as part of a cross-curricular unit, or as a standalone unit of work. This ensures that the knowledge and skills being taught in science can be revisited and applied in other subjects. The children are also given the opportunity to develop science skills outside of their science lessons through science clubs, being a science ambassador and through British Science Week and World Science Day. As a starting point for their planning, teachers use Lancashire Planning documents, these are altered as necessary to meet the needs of the children. Throughout the curriculum, opportunities exist to engage in practical science investigations both using the resources inside the classroom and the fantastic outdoor areas around school.
As a staff, we believe that science at All Saint's is successful when:
- We foster a love of science where children can confidently ask questions.
- Accurate teacher assessment and knowledge of prior learning is used to plan practical and inspiring challenges to make learning exciting and engaging.
- Children are encouraged to discover things for themselves and use scientific vocabulary consistently.
- We use the grounds and local area to make links to other areas of the curriculum.
- There are regular visits, from local 'experts' and to offsite venues, linking school science to real experiences where possible.
We follow the aims of the National Curriculum for Science in order to ensure that all pupils:
- develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics.
- develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of science enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them.
- are equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future.
Throughout the year, learning activities will be sequenced to ensure progression, and children should:
- Acquire and refine the practical skills needed to investigate questions safely.
- Be encouraged to understand how science can be used to explain what is occurring, predict/suggest how things will behave, and analyse causes.
- Develop skills of predicting, asking questions, making inferences, concluding and evaluating based on evidence and understanding and use these skills in investigative work.
- Practise mathematical skills eg counting, ordering numbers, measuring to an appropriate number of decimal places, drawing and interpreting graphs and bar charts in real contexts.
- Be taught essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science.
- Use scientific and mathematical language including technical vocabulary and conventions.
Teachers continuously apply assessment for learning. Marking of children’s work is used to clarify any misunderstandings and bring the children’s learning on.
Through staff meetings, speaking to children, moderation of children’s work and lesson observations, standards of teaching and learning across school are regularly monitored.
Teachers assess the children following a unit of study to ensure the children are on track to achieve their full potential. This is based on teacher assessment of how well the children have achieved in line with the key skills. Through staff meetings, speaking to children, moderation of children’s work and lesson observations, standards of teaching and learning across school are regularly monitored. This ensures standards are being met at the end of EYFS, KS1 and KS2 in relation to the Early Learning Goals and the Science National Curriculum programme of study.
Enrichment Activities
Throughout the year children will be able to take part in many different activities, including trips, theme weeks and after school clubs. This year's science ambassadors will be chosen at the start of the year and will continue to help promote science throughout school. Please watch this space for pictures and information.
Science Ambassadors
This year's science ambassadors have been chosen from year 3 to year 6.
Year 3 - Eleanor and Isaac
Year 4 - Joseph and Alice C
Year 5 - Lauren and George B
Year 6 - Harry and Annabella