Friends of All Saints
Who are the ‘Friends’?
The Friends of All Saints School is our version of the PTFA (Parents, Teachers and Friends Association). We are a friendly team of people (parents (of current and ex-pupils), teachers and members of our local community) who donate our time and energy to raise money for the school for ‘extras’ for all our children to help enhance their education and experiences of school and organise fun events for our families.
Each year, we raise around £6000-£8000 which is spent on things like upgrades to our outdoor spaces (contribution to the new running track and KS2 playground markings), IT equipment (laptops and screens for classrooms), visiting pantomimes and workshops and new musical instruments … all vital to help enrich the school environment.
All parents of Children at All Saints are automatically members of the Friends and we would love to meet or hear from you and for you to be involved when/ where you can. We usually meet once every half term (usually starting at around 7pm in the evenings at school) and everyone is welcome to join in and share new ideas! We’re a friendly bunch and there’s usually a drink and some biscuits/ cake on offer!
Thank you in advance for your support!
Our Committee
We’re a registered charity (Charity no: 1165977) which means we are able claim Gift Aid for sponsored events; we can also take advantage of charity matched giving schemes offered by employers and can apply for grants. But this also requires us to have a formal (named) committee and charity trustees to govern our activities and we are required to file annual returns and accounts with the Charities Commission.
Each year, AGM is held in the Autumn Term, where we appoint our Committee.
This year's AGM was held on Tuesday 22nd November 2022.
Our current named Trustees/ Committee are:
Chair Kate Hayes
Vice Chair Vacant (Volunteer needed - can you help?)
Treasurer Rebecca Whitaker
Secretary Kath Mead (stepping down; volunteer needed - can you help?)
Named Committee Members/ Trustees: Mrs Janet Dunn, Rachel Edwards Barrott and Becky Stokes.
We also have a number of other parents and staff who attend the meetings to support organising events and make decisions along with the above Committee. We’re always looking for volunteers with new ideas and energy to support our work or join our team. It’s a great way to get to know other parents and is lots of fun! Any and all help is gratefully received and everyone is welcome to join in!
If you’re interested in getting involved, please email Kate (our Chair) for more information (
How to keep in touch
Find us on Facebook
Public Page: Friends of All Saints Appley Bridge Primary School
Private Group (for parents/carers of current pupils- request to join here): All Saints Appley Bridge! (Parents group)
Follow us on Twitter: @FriendsPrimary
and Instagram: @friendsappleybridgeallsaints
We also have a Class Dojo account.
Fundraising and Spending
2021/22 AGM Update:
It was fantastic to return to more 'normal' operations after 2.5 years of largely remote activities due to COVID. From Summer 22, we were back to face-to-face events, with our first in-person disco and summer fair since 2019!
Earlier in the year, our fab team of volunteers organised new and varied events following school's lead on social distancing requirements e.g. rather than a Christmas Disco, we introduced an in-school Breakfast with Santa event.
We continued to receive fantastic support from our School Lottery, Easy Fundraising and Amazon Smile supporters, with some generous donations from parents and their employers.
After the amazing success of the Reindeer Run in December 2020, we decided to 'rest' a couple of activities due to volunteer availability and also to help reduce requests for funds from parents.
Our fundraising total for the year was £6,664 - beating our initial target by 10%.
A big thank you to all the Friends team of volunteers who accomplished so much last year - there's an astonishing amount of hard work that goes on behind the scenes and we're really lucky to have them on board!
A special mention to a couple of our trustees, Lyndsey Naylor and Kath Mead who are stepping down/ stepped down at the AGM from their trustee/named roles. Vice Chair, Lyndsey, was the driving force behind the fabulous library refurb and also organised the Back to School Party, Christmas Cards and Summer Fair (amongst other things!), whilst Kath (who is stepping down as our Secretary, but staying on as a general team member) organised the amazing Breakfast with Santa and Summer Fair. Thank you for all your time and efforts!
And a big thanks to all our school community for your generous support - thanks to your generous donations we were able to fund a variety of enrichment activities and projects for our school, including:
- £5000 contribution towards the all-weather running track
- Library refurbishment
- Breakfast with Santa
- Music workshop
- New class set of glockenspiels
- Travelling Christmas Panto
- Y6 Leavers' Presents
- Class donations to each class for items chosen by the teachers
2022/23 Fundraising
March 2023 update
It's been a very busy year for the Friends, so far!
We've had some amazing events:
- Chocolate Bingo
- Christmas Film Night
- Wreath-making workshop
- Discos; and
- The Hogwarts Experience
Plus other fundraising activities like the Christmas Cards and Class tea towel projects. With continued support from personal and corporate donors, the School Lottery and EasyFundraising Supporters, plus the £1000 Movement for Good Donation.
Overall we've raised just over £6000 of our £8,500 target for the year and with a couple of large-scale events (the Colour Run and Summer Fair) remaining this academic year, we're hopeful that we'll meet our challenging target. But we can't do this without your support and we are looking for additional volunteers to join our team to help support these events, so if you are interested in getting involved, please email us!
In terms of spend, the big project this year has been the refurbishment of the KS2 playground, but we've also funded the Panto, a safer internet workshop, Breakfast with Santa and a tidy up of the Remembrance Garden.
Lot mores exciting news to come (hopefully!) - so thanks again for your support!