
Progression in English

We use Lancashire’s Key Learning Indicators of Performance (KLIPs) documents, which follow the expectations of the National Curriculum 2014, to inform and support planning and assessment in all aspects of reading and writing from Year 1 to Year 6. We use the new EYFS Framework 2021 and the new Development Matters document to aid our planning and assessment of all aspects of Communication, Language and Literacy in Reception.

Phonics and Spelling

In Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 phonics is based on the Letters and Sounds scheme of work.  In addition, from Year 2 to Year 6, we use the Purple Mash spelling scheme for teaching spellings.


We have a wide selection of reading books for home reading, class reading and guided reading.  Teachers match these to children’s individual needs.  Home readers for Reception and Year 1 are phonically decodable and are changed weekly.  Phonically decodable books are also used for children in Year 2 and 3 who still need them.

Our school library has recently been renovated and updated to be a bright and inviting place to enjoy books.  The library is used by all children in school on a weekly basis and Key Stage 2 children are able to borrow books of their own choice to take home.


Handwriting practice starts in Reception and continues throughout school.  We use the Martin Harvey and Debbie Watson ‘Achieving Excellence in Handwriting’ scheme.  In Reception, we start with plain paper moving to some very wide lines by the end of Reception.  Year 1 use a mix of plain and wide lined and Year 2 use wide lined paper for most of their work.  Years 3, 4 and 5 write on plain paper with guidelines underneath and by the end of Year 6 children are confident with their handwriting including size and positioning and use narrow lined paper in preparation for their transition to high school.

Our English curriculum goes beyond the statutory requirements.  We offer many exciting opportunities such as: our amazing KS2 summer productions; visiting pantomimes; a range of exciting World Book Day activities – dressing up, pyjama day, local community quiz, door decorating, book swaps;  author visits to school; Brilliant Book Awards for Year 2 and Fantastic Book Awards for Year 6; connections with local libraries - visits to local libraries, librarians come into school to introduce the Summer Reading Challenge and children’s work is displayed in local libraries.

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