Our music curriculum aims to offer an inclusive, rich and progressive programme of education, which enables children to develop a love for music. Pupils will be taught specific knowledge and skills to enable them to creatively express themselves through playing and composing music. Our curriculum is designed for all children to learn to sing, use their voice to perform with others and to have the opportunity to learn a range of musical instruments.
At All Saints’, children will develop an understanding of the national and global picture, by learning and appreciating music across a range of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions.
Best use of the school grounds and local area to ensure that children can create, experience and perform music in a range of settings. At All Saints’, pupils will experience real life music performances and given the opportunity to talk to musicians about their creative processes. Children will grow in confidence through our music provision and demonstrate Christian Values when rehearsing and performing in ensemble or solo settings.
At All Saints’ we implement a knowledge rich curriculum. By delivering a bespoke music curriculum, we ensure that subject knowledge and skills are progressive between all year groups from Reception to Year Six. Our music curriculum is built upon aspects of the Model Music Curriculum and the Charanga music scheme to ensure that it is ambitious and rich in knowledge. In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), lessons are planned to meet the objectives included in the Early Learning Goals and our school progression of skills document. In the EYFS, children are taught the fundamental skills of singing and moving move their body to music as these skills form a strong, musical foundation needed throughout the rest of their time in school. In Key Stage One (KS1) and Key Stage Two (KS2) music lessons, we ensure that children are developing skills such as listening and appraising, singing, playing instruments and performing. We encourage children to apply their knowledge of the interrelated dimensions of music when improvising and composing music to reach their full potential as musicians.
We believe that all children should be given the opportunity to learn a range of instruments as it positively impacts their self-esteem and cognitive development. Children from Reception to Y6 are taught how to use their voice to create music. In music lessons, Key Stage One and Key Stage Two children continue to use their voice and parts of their body, eg clapping and play tuned and untuned percussion to create their own compositions. Throughout the year, all KS1 and KS2 learn to play the glockenspiel in the context of a Charanga Unit. Year Two children learn recorder, Year Three and Year Four pupils complete a glockenspiel course. Year Five children learn the ukulele and Year Six children learn Djembe drumming.
Children are encouraged to become outward looking learners by experiencing a range of genres and music from different historical periods. This is implemented through our bespoke curriculum and music workshops. World Music Day is celebrated annually to enable children to experience music from around the world. Children are experience a range of genres by learning about a ‘Composer of the Half Term’ during whole school worships. At All Saints’, we value the positive impact that real life experiences have on pupils’ aspirations and therefore ensure that our children experience live performances throughout the year.
We make best use of our school grounds to promote attainment. The children share their musical abilities in the assembly hall, on the school stage, outside, during church services and at events in the community. Children are encouraged to attend music schools set up by the Lancashire Music Hub in the local area to build on their interests and skills. Pupils are regularly given opportunities to share their music skills by performing in front of an audience. We accommodate children who wish to learn brass instruments, guitar and keyboard through Red Admiral Brass and the Lancashire Music Service.
Our music provision enables children to demonstrate Christian Values such as perseverance, respect, friendship and compassion. At All Saints’ we offer a programme of extra-curricular activities to enable children to continue to develop a love for music and to nurture their musical talents. Key Stage Two children are encouraged to join our choir and perform in a range of settings. Our school choir enjoys performing at events in the village and at school events. Year 6 children are given the opportunity to learn the ukulele by joining ukulele club.
Our progressive, knowledge rich music curriculum enables pupils to progress to the next level of musicianship. Our music provision equips pupils with the necessary skills to create, communicate and perform their own compositions and experience the joy that music brings. At All Saints’, children become confident musicians who appreciate a range of genres from a variety of historical periods. Pupils take pride in their music skills and knowledge and enjoy performing to a variety of audiences.