At All Saints’ geography is a valued part of the curriculum which will inspire a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people. Our Geography curriculum is designed to engage the children in fun and exciting activities. We aim to ensure that all children develop a knowledge of the human and physical characteristics of not only their local area but also the wider world.
The children will be encouraged to develop competent geographical skills, including analysing and interpreting a range of sources such as maps, globes and aerial photographs. The curriculum design will allow the children to ask and answers questions in order to develop their independent thinking. As the children progress through school, they will develop their geographical knowledge and skills in greater depth and be encouraged to transfer these skills to other areas of the curriculum.
At All Saints’, we teach geography as part of a cross curricular unit of work. As well as being a lead subject it can also be an additional unit throughout the topic. The children are also given the opportunity to develop geography skills at other times of the year, for example, during outdoor adventure activities and through relevant theme weeks.
Fieldwork and map work are woven throughout the geography topics. Effective use of educational visits, local fieldwork and visitors are planned to enrich and enhance the children’s learning experiences within the geography curriculum. In-depth fieldwork opportunities are amplified throughout All Saints’ local area topics where our children go out into the community to conduct observations, surveys, investigations and field sketches, using maps and compasses enhances this experience.
As a starting point for their planning, teachers use Lancashire Planning documents, these are altered as necessary to meet the needs of the children. Throughout the whole , opportunities exist to extend and promote geography, with teachers seeking to take advantage of all opportunities including European and global awareness, environmental education, citizenship, political and economic understanding.
Teachers continuously apply assessment for learning. Marking of children’s work is used to clarify any misunderstandings and bring the children’s learning on.
Through staff meetings, speaking to children, moderation of children’s work and lesson observations, standards of teaching and learning across school are regularly monitored.
Teachers assess the children following a unit of study to ensure the children are on track to achieve their full potential. This is based on teacher assessment of how well the children have achieved in line with the key skills. Through staff meetings, speaking to children, moderation of children’s work and lesson observations, standards of teaching and learning across school are regularly monitored. This ensures standards are being met at the end of EYFS, KS1 and KS2 in relation to the Early Learning Goals and the Geography National Curriculum programme of study.